Bunnies, Baskets and Beautiful Dresses!

Is it really already time for that magical bunny that poops chocolate eggs to make an appearance?  Why yes it is!!!  With just one week to go before all of our sugary dreams came true, Ivy came to me needing a new dress.  Thank goodness for Creative Kids Couture, because we had this beauty picked out, cut and sewed up in 48 hours.  Plenty of time left for egg decorating and Spring Time activities!

  We used the Callahan's Ruched Stripwork Peasant Dress pattern from ckcpatterns.com , its super easy and very pretty too. And if you've got a little bunny, this pattern will go from baby to 15/16, so you can make it for her a bunch of times as she grows!

  Even before we'd picked the pattern, Ivy knew exactly what fabric she wanted!  Off to Walmart for this adorable bunny print.  Seriously, I dare you to pick the cutest one...because they're ALL the cutest one.

    This blog is the Mommy and the Ivy, so I made Ivy do the ironing.  HA! 

    I wasn't out of the woods though.  While this dress can probably be sewn up in an afternoon, we've taken on the added responsibility of taking care of a baby during the day.  (Homeschooling just wasn't enough of a challenge anymore...)  That meant breaking the project up into two days.  But it all worked out in the end and Ivy's got a new dress for Easter.  I'm actually pretty excited to make this a few more times for her.  I think it'd be easy to hack it into a cute little tunic, and there are two other sleeve options that we could make too.  You can really never go wrong with a peasant dress.

  Oh yeah, and not only is the dress cute...it's super functional, as you can clearly see.  Not that I have the ability to hoola hoop and grab a drink at the same time, but hey-if you can; you can do it in this dress!