Good Ol' Chocolate Chip Cookies

Quick, what's the most nostalgic, delicious dessert you can think of? Odds are a fair number of you said "Chocolate Chip Cookies", which is one of many correct answers. There's just something about them so classic and amazing and decadent and... I've got about 30 more adjectives that I'm not going to bore you by using. But still! Who doesn't love them? They're SO amazing! We made some the other day, and they turned out absolutely perfect! Yeah.... These aren't lasting long.

The cast of characters all ready to go!

 Okay, so here's an important thing.  I've grown up making cookies using the cream butter and sugar together and then go from there.  Add one egg at a know the drill.  And since I'm no spring chicken, that's a lot of cookies made that way.  Then I stumbled on making them with melted butter, in one bowl, without breaking out my kitchen aid.  My mind has been BLOWN!  I'm not sure I'll ever go back to making chocolate chip cookies with softened butter ever again.  Since no one in the house is complaining, I'd say I'm golden.

Waiting for the dough to chill is the hardest part.  

  This pretty girl definitely gets to enjoy the fruits of her labor.  She'd better save some for the rest of us!