Light, Airy and Oh-So-Amazing Meringues!


I don't watch TV a lot. Wait-let me rephrase that- I don't watch the TV I choose a lot. When my dad doesn't have the remote, my brother does. And when he doesn't have it (which is almost never), mom gets it. So, I hardly ever get to chose what to watch. That's why when I was actually alone downstairs the other day, I was a little unsure what to do and eventually put on an episode of "The Great Brittish Baking Show". This episode in particular featured meringue cakes- which I'd never heard of in my life. But I've made meringues several times before, and I LOVE them, which inspired me to try colored meringues with a piping tip for the first time! To be honest, I was a little skeptical after it took waaaay longer than I'd remembered getting the batter to stiff peaks, but once I' finally got there, dyed half the batter pink, piped them out and popped em' in the oven, I was so ready to go! They turned out AMAZING and within a day of making them, the entire plate was gone. I used this recipe from Sugar Spun Run- one I will definitely be using again! Its kind of hard to believe that a recipe with such basic ingredients is so unbelievably amazing!